Thursday, September 5, 2019

Lunch Alone

So there was this primary student girl who came to the restaurant where I was having lunch in. She ordered her food then resumed with her gadget. The food came she proceeded to eat. She was alone. I thought she was so independant and wondered where her parents were.

The next day she came out of a 4x4 with her elder sister and her mom (maybe). She came to the restaurant as usual. The previous question answered. But where did her mother and sister had gone to?

I finished my lunch and paid via boost. I got into my car. Then I saw her mom and sister in a restaurant next to the restaurant where the girl was. They were eating nasi ayam. That explains it. The girl prefered delicious meat to chicken.

The end.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day Dreaming.

Alone is peaceful. Here I am trying to write something out. Trying to keep the nerve cells active. Tun M said if you do not use your brain, you could become senile. But I wonder if day dreaming could do the same effect on the brain. I mean day dreaming give you peace but could it prevent senility?

Just watched a Makoto Shinkai movie this morning and it gave a deep impact on me. I love MS animated movies besides Hayako Miyazaki's. The tedious details they do to their animations are second to none. Even Disney could not top them. HM usually uses classical era while MS takes on the contemporary settings.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dormant Love

It's been dormant for quite some time... it's gonna be active again...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Keeping it practical

I mean, I see people tend to buy large cars, expensive cars. What's the purpose? It will all end up in jams. I've my k-car for 10 years now. I can do other things with the extra money that I now get. At times I must admit it, I do have the urge of buying a four by four myself, but the traffic congestion always turns me off.

By the way, I have my scooter for more than a year now, and it is most appropriate to be used especially in Kota Kinabalu where the jams are 24/7 especially in peak hours. With it, I could make it 30 minutes what a car would take 2 hours time with. The only downside of it is of course rainy days.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hari Berlalu

Here's another one...

Hari Berlalu
Kecilku sehening suasana
Wajah-wajah ceria bersilih menjenguk tingkap minda
Kata kehendakku seringkas tangisan
Hari berlalu...

Perjuangan pertama mengorak langkah
Tak mudah kata kaki kecilku
Namun tuturku antara fasih
Persis kata orang tuaku
Hari berlalu...

Didikku tak seceria gembira
Teman tak mengungkap ertinya
Ke sekolah bagai ke neraka
Sentiasa ku sertakan doa
Hari berlalu...

Suka duka mewarnai remajaku
Kisah pahit seakan berulang
Walau yang manis berjaya menyerlah
Namun semuanya hanya seketika
Sebab ku pasti
Hari berlalu...

Andaiku setakat itu pencarian ilmu
Fakta hidup mendorong capaiku
Kadang menang kadang pasrah
Membina matangku
Kepasrahan lalu menambah tikaku
Hari berlalu...

Tanpa kasihNya
Pastinya tak mampu ku ke detik ini
Walau masih sedetik dua
Ku tau Dia tetap selamanya
Walau sehebat mana
Hari berlalu...            Wod. Thursday, January 28, 1999.

Ku 'Kan Kembali

I thought I should share this... I penned this during my college days...


Sekian lama berada di sisi ibu dan ayah
Pahit manis, tawa tangis pasti dilalui bersama
Tak terlintas di fikiranku kan berpisah
Namun tiba masa untukku mengorak langkah
Berjuang tuk masa depan yang cerah

Tuk ibu dan ayah kulafazkan kesyukuran
Atas kasih sayang mereka yang tulus dan murni
Raut wajah mereka jelas mengukir sedihnya satu perpisahan
Yang padanya juga terserlah satu pengharapan
Kelak diriku kembali bertemankan sebuah kejayaan

Tidak terukur dalamnya kasih Ilahi
Sertai dan urapi perjuangan suci hambaMu ini
Juga kepada ibu dan ayah tika melayani
Ku pasti suatu hari nanti aku kan kembali
Mengecap semula kasih sayang sejati

Di perantauan mengejar satu kejayaan
Bebanan kalanya menggusar keterampilan dan keimanan
Namun ku pasrahkan segalanya dalam tangan Tuhan
Pasti sehari nanti semuanya kan berlalu
Semoga ku kembali bersama ayah dan ibu.        Wod. Thursday, March  26, 1998