Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Emotion clouds Judgement

3 months ago

So, when you are in an emotional unstability, e.g. angry, mad or deeply in a crush, reasoning is unwise. Put yourself in other people's perspective and try to analyze any situation in other people's shoes. Best yet, let your emotions cool off before reasoning.

Had a great time at Kampong

3 months ago

Dining with cousins and other relatives was great. Fireworks, firecrackers, it was a merriest christmas so far.


4 months ago

Life is so unpredictable. If one thing doesn't go right a few times. It assimilates 'phobia' inside you. Makes you stiff. Makes you cold. Makes you wanna go someplace else. Vanish. Invisible. Then scream out loud. But limited only inside you...

Forgive my Flesh

4 months ago

I think I have not been putting God first.

That was why I was so emo.

I think I messed up.

Gotta put God first.

Multiple personality

4 months ago

It's a bit frustrating when dealing with a person with multiple personality. One time he/she be like this, a few moment later he/she be like that. When you would really (and like dying) to convey something to him/her, you had to wait for that particular personality to take place before conveying could be proceeded.

Post Graduate has to wait...

4 months ago

Considering the constriction of time and fund, it seems that I am unable to continue with my intention of getting a post grad degree... Perhaps continuing at a more proper and condusive situation.

Doubt seems to seep in...

8 months ago

I'm beginning to wonder if there's one out there more worth it.

Why must I go through this uncertainty times and times again?

Gambling is sin but life really is a game of chances.

We'd say yes but in reality it seems to be no.

Then previously we have this cold era.

What would happen if it heats up again.

It seems not mutual this one.

Or probably time is factor.

On which, I'd be suggested to let lose.


8 months ago

at the time of desperation will one see all his life before him longing to have a second chance to make it better... well i think i have got the second chance...

Masters Degree

9 months ago

I'm registering today, i don't know how's it gonna be. i thought i was done studying, but people used to saying that learning is for a life time. i hope i'm proving that right. it's gonna take 4 semesters and twenty grand. gonna miss church perhaps because the lectures are done in weekends. i prayed that if it was God's will, i'll get accepted, well i got accepted and now it's God will that i persevere this.

A Leap of Faith

10 months ago

I've taken a leap of faith and hopes for the best to come for love...

I hope that this leap would not come in vain...

That through every obstacles, every road bumps, every fallen bridge, hope persists...

But what is hope if there is no faith...

And what is faith if there is no love...

For the greatest of three is love...

Reality or Fantasy

10 months ago

How can you tell if something is real or fantasy?

If you keep on thinking or dreaming of doing things in your mind or in your dreams and hoping that what you think would materialize in the real world, then nothing will happen.

If you wanna make things real, do it! See how things turn out. This way you would know the result or the consequences of your action. You don't try things and at one point stop and retreat. Later on pondering on the outcomes in your head and hoping for the best. This is not how thing works... this is not life!

Be real people!

Action speaks LOUDER than words!!

Piala Pidato DiRaja Peringkat Daerah Kota Kinabalu

11 months ago

Today the event mentioned above was held at skul. I was one of the time keepers. The contestants were from primary skuls but they performed very good in the stage one of the competition.

One chinese boy was so fluent in giving out his pidato that he marvelled everyone present. With perfect gestures and words (bahasa melayu of course) I could've sworn he could get first prize.

Unfortunately, in the second stage of the competition, where students were given random topics to talk for, that particular boy could only give out the opening and closing words.

There's this other kid. He got the topic, "Berkongsi Kereta". One of his points though not many, was people should share their belongings to others and not be "bakhil". This was the moment where the crowd went nuts. It was hillarious. He went off of his topic. But considering that he was merely primary students, people just let it be. My opinion is that the boy must've felt weird why people laughed at his point.

RTM did come!

11 months ago

I didn't want to be shot while teaching so I decided to conduct all my lessons in the lab. Beforehand though, I shaked hands with the host of the programme.

My class ended so I got back to the staff room only to notice there's one miscall on my handphone which I left there charging. Checked it... It was one of my colleague. So I asked him. He said that the rtm people wanted to cover my teaching session so he called. Because obviously no one answered, they cancelled their intention. I was thinking... that was close... ha ha...

Fortunately, I didn't miss all the chances of being in the documentary for when it was time to go back, they did an ending where the host talked and followed by us teachers walking towards the boat... the particular scene which needed a couple of takes.

It was fun. Let see if my face get shown in national tv... ha ha


11 months ago

It's a good thing to have a mysterious part of oneself. Others might get bored if they've known everything about you. But that's just an opinion. Be creative.

RTM's gonna come to our skool, cool!

11 months ago

Tomorrow May 6, 2009, RTM is going to do a coverage of the skool in conjunction with this year's Teacher's Day. My students just don't know how to manage their classroom. If I didn't have any other responsibilities (being KP, Science Teacher, PeKA, Setiausaha PPSMI, Setiausaha Bidang etc) I would have easily managed to decorate the class myself. But you know how these poor students are, all they know is play, play and play. They even punched holes to the softboard behind the classroom. Worse, no one's admitting. I'm just letting it be! I know there are few things we shouldn't talk about, so I'm doing just that.

Birthday Party @ Ivy's Cousin's

11 months ago

We thought it was at Ivy's house, instead it was actually at her cousin's house. Met some old friends over there. One was from USM. Another was my primary 4 classmate.

The food was great and all but I wished that someone was there with us... with me.

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